Golden Buck Ale Has Arrived!

19th Sep 2013

Hermann Wurst Haus's fourth beer, Golden Buck Ale has finally arrived!  We have been patiently waiting it's arrival and it was worth the wait! 

Hand crafted and locally produced from the finest ingredients, the brew master created this flavor to pair with the most flavorful of the 46 different flavors of state and national champion smoked brats.

So what is the difference between ales and lager beers?

Basically, the difference between the two, is that they are fermented with different groups of yeast. 

Ale yeasts typically ferment at warmer temperatures and are top fermenters, meaning the yeasts hang out at the top of the fermenter during fermentation.  So ales, have a more yeast driven flavor profile, which is more complex with spicy and fruity flavors. 

Lagers are fermented with cool fermenting yeasts, which are bottom fermenter yeasts, which hang out in the bottom of the fermenter during fermentation.  The flavors developed are less yeast driven flavors, but more clean-tasting with grain and hop flavors.

The best thing to do is taste test them side by side to understand the different flavor profiles.  Heck, come in and try all four flavors.  We offer free samples Saturday and Sunday.

Here's the four flavors:

Golden Buck Ale

Wurstmeister Wheat

Steamboat Smoked Ale

Butcher's Block Lager



Cheers from Wurstmeister Mike!