June is National Turkey Lover's Month at the Hermann Wurst Haus

Posted by Patty Held on 1st Jun 2014

June is National Turkey Lover's Month!  That's right, turkey isn't only for Thanksgiving dinner.  Although, an estimated 36 million turkeys are consumed on Thanksgiving, two-thirds of the turkeys produced are consumed in months other than November.

How can you celebrate National Turkey Lover's Month?  Here are a few suggestions for this outstanding meat choice:

  • Grill turkey legs or breasts
  • Try turkey cutlets in recipes that require quick preparation
  • Use turkey sausage for breakfast or in your favorite sausage recipes
  • Enjoy turkey ham on sandwiches
  • Chop deli turkey for salads
  • Stop by Hermann Wurst Haus for our Smoked Turkey Sandwich with House Bacon

Show your support for National Turkey Lover's Month and stop by the Hermann Wurst Haus for a Smoked Turkey Club with House Bacon, chips and a pickle for $8.99.  Add a cold Wurst Haus beer or glass of local wine to complete the meal!
