Hermann Wurst Haus Wins Best of Show at Wursfest!

Posted by Patty Held on 6th Apr 2015

The Hermann Area Chamber of Commerce sponsored the 36th Annual Wurstfest Competition, a statewide contest among gourmet sausage makers, on March 28.

Hermann Wurst Haus won eleven awards including Best of Show for Exotic Sausage - Sweet Peppered German Bologna!

We won four first-place awards for:

Exotic Sausage - Sweet Peppered German Bologna, Braunschweiger, Smoked Pork Sausage and Specialty Sausage (Pineapple Bacon Bratwurst). 

We also won three second place awards for:

Blutwurst (Blood Sausage), Summer Sausage, and Smoked Bratwurst (Best of Show Bratwurst)

We also won three third place awards for:

Traditional Summer Sausage, Snack Sticks (Maple Bacon), and Fresh Bratwurst (Wurst Haus Original).

This prestigious event attracts amateur and professional sausage makers from throughout Missouri, Illinois and Indiana. Judges evaluated 234 entries in 24 professional and amateur categories.

This year’s winners were determined by a panel of twelve celebrity and professional judges.

More than 2,000 visitors attended this year’s event held at the Hermannhof Hofgarten, the Hermann Mill and Stone Hill Winery Pavilion. Visitors sampled the various gourmet sausages from ten sausage venders. German music and the Wurstjaeger dancers were enjoyed by all.

Mark your calendars for next year’s Wurstfest, the fourth weekend in March.

To order products, see our online store here.