Celebrate National Wine Day - May 25 at the Hermann Wurst Haus

Posted by Patty Held on 6th May 2014

May 25 is National Wine Day and Hermann Wurst Haus is ready to celebrate!  We are fortunate to be located in the heart of Missouri wine country in Hermann, Missouri, surrounded by beautiful wineries and great wines.

Not only do we have the very successful Hermann Wine Trail but there are a total of 10 wineries in the area.  The Hermann wine region dates back to the 1800's when Hermann was a flourishing wine producing area.Today, Hermann wine country is renowned for producing many styles of award-winning wines from a wide array of grape varieties.  Visitors are sure to find a wine to satisfy their palate.

In honor of National Wine Day, Hermann Wurst Haus is offering free samples of Hermann area wines on Sunday, May 25, from 10am until 4 pm, along with the Wurst samples in town!

Raise a glass of local wine with us in honor of this great day!