August In-store Specials - Braunschweiger, Blood Sausage and Brisket

Posted by Patty Held on 1st Aug 2016

      Don't miss your chance to save on your favorite German specialties like Braunschweiger and Blood Sausage this August for our in-store specials! We've thrown in a brisket special too to sweeten the deal! 

      Here's our August in-store specials:

      • Braunschweiger - Our award winning braunschweiger is silky smooth and pate'-like. Best when freshly made, and we have been busy!
        • 8 oz. pkg - $2.50 
      • Blood Sausage (Blut Wurst) - An olde world favorite, great for breakfast, just add fried eggs and grape jelly! We have a fresh batch, and it doesn't hardly get any better than that folks! 

        Approximately 1 lb. package, (randon weights) - $5.49/lb.

      • Brisket - Approximately 1 lb. package (randon weights) $8.99/lb.

Call for more details 573-486-2266 or stop by the store!

Offer good through August.